What do food, weight, and shame have in common? Well, more than enough to keep us talking for ninety minutes. And then some. In most circles, the mere mention of the word shame can stop a conversation dead in its tracks. But when you’re hanging out with...
“After a thorough investigation, including an extensive review of the medical literature, the Swedish investigation committee concluded that…” I looked up and there he was, hammer in one hand, big shiny nail in the other, poised to deliver his first blow. “Low-carb...
“Did you climb the Rocky Steps?” “Yes! The view at the top was awesome.” It was the most asked question after my return from Philadelphia last week, where I attended the spring conference of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians (ASBP). Made famous in the 1976...
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Meet Sandra
As a nationally recognized weight management specialist, I dedicate myself to educating others about the complexities of weight issues. I empower patients and health care providers to address weight issues with knowledge and compassion. Learn More