Your first heart cells begin beating four weeks after conception and don’t stop until you take your last breath. This coordinated effort happens 100,000 times a day, beat after beat, without rest. Each time I lay my stethoscope over the heart’s pulsating chambers, I...
Jill was afraid to discuss her new dietary needs with her family for the first time. Actually…she was terrified. Jill has struggled with her weight all her life, a fact that her family reminds her of every time she sees them. Her slender sister—a self-appointed weight...
And 23 Halloween Treat Alternatives Are you freaking out because Halloween marks the beginning of the weight gain season? Are you haunted by memories of buying candy for the kids and then eating it well before October 31st… Then returning to the store to replace...
The holidays are coming, filled with gatherings, joy, laughter… and temptations. It can be a struggle to keep the healthy eating habits you have worked so hard to develop. You may be asking yourself: Will there be anything I can eat there? Will I re-gain some of the...
We live in a day and age when plane travel makes it possible to travel great distances in a relatively short period of time. In the U.S. and Canada we can jet from coast-to-coast in as little as five hours. As wonderful as this is, even a short two-hour flight can...
For many of us, spending time in airports is a regular part of our travel life. Given their prominence in our travel itineraries, it is important to know how to navigate the various offerings and temptations. The last thing you want to do is fall prey to the cases of...
It’s 10:30 am on a gorgeous sunny day and you are finally on the plane. You’ve navigated all the typical stresses—packing, travel to the airport, parking, checking your bags, the endless list of do’s & don’ts at security, finding your gate, boarding—and you are on...
“After a thorough investigation, including an extensive review of the medical literature, the Swedish investigation committee concluded that…” I looked up and there he was, hammer in one hand, big shiny nail in the other, poised to deliver his first blow. “Low-carb...
I have just returned from Phoenix, where I attended two fabulous medical conferences—Innovate: Cultivating the Leader in You and Overcoming Obesity, both sponsored by the American Society of Bariatric Physicians (ASBP). Going to my ASBP bi-annual conferences is one of...
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Meet Sandra
As a nationally recognized weight management specialist, I dedicate myself to educating others about the complexities of weight issues. I empower patients and health care providers to address weight issues with knowledge and compassion. Learn More